The Dhaka Times
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Sensational information of bank robbery: Mahima knew the plan in advance. The truck carrying the money was detained

The Dhaka Times Desk Mahima, the wife of Habib alias Sohail, the mastermind behind the Kishoreganj bank robbery incident, said in the interrogation that she already knew about the bank robbery incident. On the other hand, the police seized the truck in which the money was carried along with the helper.


Sohail's wife Mahima, who was arrested last night, is being interrogated by the police. Sohail's wife Mahima gave a lot of important information during the interrogation. However, the police are not releasing everything for the sake of investigation. Police said that Mahima already knew about the bank robbery. Mahima has been consulted on various occasions.

It is known that Mahima married Sohail in 2007. The 25-year-old Mahima got married on the basis of a mobile phone acquaintance. However, Mahima's family did not know anything about the marriage of the two. Mahima got trapped in Sohail's love trap after passing SSC from Open University. After getting admission in college, Mahima's family started getting marriage proposals one after another. But he could not agree on marriage. The issue of secret marriage is always avoided but at one time it is caught by everyone. In the end, he was forced to tell the family that he had married a young man named Habib long ago. In such a situation, thinking about Mahima's happiness, the family members also accepted their marriage.

Habib aka Sohail is sent to Dubai by family initiative with the hope of Mahima's future happiness through effort and cooperation. But that happiness remains elusive in Mahima's life. The husband returned home with some money from Dubai, but it ended in a few days. Even in seven years of married life, they could not think of having children due to extreme poverty. But Mahima was always unaware of Yusuf Munsi's previous marriage and children under the cover of Habib's identity. Sohail even kept the bank robbery plan a secret from his wife Mahima at first. 2 weeks before the bank robbery, Mahima came to know about the plan of her husband's misfortune.

Sohail told him that with the stolen money from the bank, both of them will go to Dhaka and live happily ever after. With such an intention, in the dream of wealth, Bivo's poverty-stricken Mahima went to her house in Chilakara village of Pakundia and told her family members about going to Dhaka 7/8 days before the incident. Even then his family members did not know what a terrible plan Habib alias Sohail was going to implement. After being detained from Jatrabari area of the capital, Sohail's wife Mahima gave this information to the police during interrogation.

The police seized that truck

It is reported that the truck (Dhaka Metro T-16-8468) was seized from the Telwari Madrasa field of Atharbari Upazila of Mymensingh district around 5 pm yesterday. At that time the helper of the truck Alamgir (30) was arrested by the police. Earlier, the 222 sacks of rice that Sohail had sent from Shyampur in the capital to Atarshi Darbar Sharif in a covered van were also seized by the police. Police arrested the covered van (Dhaka Metro T-16-9430) with driver Abdus Sattar (64) and helper Selmat (52) from Jatrabari area of Dhaka at around 8:30 pm on Saturday.

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