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A man smuggled 40,000 prohibited and dangerous piranhas in the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk Piranha is considered as a very dangerous and aggressive fish all over the world. Farming and eating piranhas is illegal in 25 US states. But in violation of that law, a person smuggled about 40 thousand piranhas to America!


66 years old Joel Rakower fishmonger He was recently indicted for smuggling large quantities of piranhas into the US. Piranha is a prohibited fish in America. Since 2011, it has been illegal to eat or farm this fish in America. Although illegal, some people are very keen to eat this fish. As a result, Joel Rakower started a great business by capitalizing on the interest of all those people.

Joel Rakower smuggled a total of 40,000 piranhas from Hong Kong to New York in 2011 and 2012. And he sells these piranhas at a good price. Although Joel Rakower's fish smuggling issue is hidden from the US government, a report on the National Geographic Channel revealed the history of Joel Rakower's piranha business.


This 66-year-old man was arrested late in the wake of the American justice system. Joel Rakower hunted and brought about 40,000 piranhas to the UK between 2011 and 2012 and sold them for $1 each.

Joel Rakower was sentenced to death by the court. He was fined a total of $70,000.

It should be noted that piranhas are called monster fish, they tear apart everything in front of them with their terrible teeth and destructive jaws. As a result, the cultivation or eating of this fish is prohibited in many countries of the world.

Source: The Tech Journal

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