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Lake Natron in Tanzania is the name of a ghost town!

The Dhaka Times Desk A lake in Tanzania is Lake Natron, once a breeding ground for the most beautiful birds, but now it has turned into a death pit.


Lake Natron is a lake in northern Tanzania near the Kenyan border. It is also called Dead Lake. Located in the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro river basin, the water of this lake was once rich in salt and minerals. Many animals lived here. It is a river basin.


If there is not enough rain, the water in this lake dries up. Here is the pH of minerals and salts Value increases. With low rainfall, the pH of the water in this lake falls to 9 to 10.5 and the temperature here reaches 60 degrees Celsius. This extreme heat and very high pH causes the various animals and birds that live in the heartland to dry out.


When the copper level in these lakes rises and the pH rises, life ceases to exist here.


When Tanzania's Lake Natron took shape in death, the painter Nick Brandt This scene was captured on his camera which became popular all over the world.

Nick Brand said about his pictures, 'I took these pictures on my Kodak camera. However, these wonderful pictures were not like this. These birds and bats died in soda and high salt and were very well preserved. I just captured them alive on camera the way they used to sit on twigs while they were still alive.”

Source: Viralnova, Wikipedia

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