The Dhaka Times
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Toll free number is being launched to get free government information!

The Dhaka Times Desk BTRC has taken the initiative to launch a special toll free number to know various government information and public service information.


Recently BTRC them Draft National Telecommunication Consumer Protection Guidelines published, and there the toll free number or service is confirmed. Toll free number service has been introduced in total 7 service sectors.

According to the draft National Telecommunication Consumer Protection Guidelines, the phone operators have to introduce a total of 7 types of toll free numbers for emergency services as per the National Numbering Plan. These service sectors are Police, Ambulance, Hospital, Fire, Coast Guard, Border Guard and Immigration etc. All the operators have to launch this urgent toll free number but for this they have to work through discussions with the government and BTRC.

The government has been thinking about the toll free number for the people of Bangladesh for a long time. It was part of an action plan of 3005 but for a long time it was bogged down in bureaucratic complications. Also the operators were not that interested and soccer was not moving either.

But the new government came to power and took up the plan again. Although toll free number is new in Bangladesh, it is a very old public service in developed countries. If this service is launched in Bangladesh, customers will get all related information services free of charge through phone.

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