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Condolences to the family of Humayun Ahmed. After his death, it seems that he has gone deep into the hearts of people - Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Dhaka Times Desk The founder of Grameen Bank, Nobel laureate Professor Dr. met with the mother, brothers and sisters and children of recently deceased fiction writer Humayun Ahmed. Muhammad Yunus. He expressed his condolences to the family members. At this time Dr. Yunus was accompanied by his wife and daughter.
হুমায়ূন আহমেদের পরিবারের প্রতি সমবেদনা জ্ঞাপন ॥ তার মৃত্যুর পর মনে হলো উনি মানুষের হৃদয়ের গভীরে চলে গিয়েছেন- ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস 1
Sunday, July 29 at 4:30 p.m. Dr. Yunus along with his family went to Humayun Ahmed's younger brother Ahsan Habib's house in Pallabi of the capital and met Ayesha Faiz. They stayed at this house for about 150 hours and inquired about Humayun Ahmed's mother Ayesha Faiz along with their relatives with condolences.

Nobel laureate at this time. Yunus said, 'We have seen for a long time that Humayun is a popular writer. But after his death, he seems to have gone deep into people's hearts. So people are not able to fill his lack in anything. Everything is rising up.'

Dr. Yunus also said, we did not know when Humayun Ahmed entered us. Educated people loved him by reading his books and common people loved him by watching his plays and movies. He had great magic inside him. With that magic he kept people in awe. My daughters also cried a lot after Humayun died.

When asked about this, Humayun Ahmed's brother Ahsan Habib said, Dr. Muhammad Yunus came to condole with their family members. At that time, family members including his mother, three sisters, son Nuhash were present.

Meanwhile, Ahsan Habib also said that to fulfill the dream of his brother (Humayun), Dr. Muhammad Yunus said that he will come forward with any kind of cooperation.

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