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Pictures: The world's largest onion production record!

The Dhaka Times Desk Peter, a 67-year-old retired farmer, had been trying to grow the world's largest onion for a long time. This time he succeeded by growing the world's largest onion weighing 8.195 kg.


Peter is a resident of Newark, New Jersey, USA. Gardening is his only hobby after retiring from work. He cultivated various vegetables. In the meantime, Peter came to the attention of the media by growing some exceptional vegetables. But this time he reached his goal of the largest onion production record in the world!

For 25 long years, Peter had been growing onions every season. Peter grows high-yielding onions every time, some of which grow to unusual sizes but never break the record for the world's largest onion. But this year's onion broke that record.


Peter said, “It is my dream to grow the largest onion in the world, I have finally fulfilled my dream. It is an honor for me.”


He further said, “I have been growing onions for 30 years and brought the biggest onion in my garden to the competition but every time I failed to reach the target, this time I did. The onion produced by me is listed among the largest onions in the world. My father was also an avid farmer. I am proud of this achievement as a farmer.”


Not only does Peter grow onions, his garden also grows many other vegetables. These vegetables too
Looks very different and huge size.

Source: The Daily Mail

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