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Without treatment, the human body can destroy cancer!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cancer is a dreaded disease of uncontrolled cell division. When tumor or cell division grows uncontrollably in body cells, the body begins to deteriorate, and cancer is involved in the body. Most people turn to hospitals and specialist doctors when they are diagnosed with cancer. According to a study, it is possible to destroy cancer cells in the body without receiving treatment if people give their body proper instructions.

Cancer cell

There is no specific cause of cancer but there are several risk factors. But cancer cells are not invasive cells, they are cells inside the body that divide uncontrollably. In that case, the body's immune system does not perceive those cells as a threat to the body. As a result, cancer cells grow slowly.

In recent years, the body's immune system has been programmed to recognize and simultaneously destroy cancer cells.

Scientists have confirmed that if the body is given the right instructions, the body will be able to destroy cancer cells by itself without any treatment.

Two leukemia patients in the trial underwent extensive treatment to eradicate cancer cells from their bodies but did not improve. Later the two of them were given some very hard work, and they succeeded. They have been cancer-free for the past two years, although they still have cancer cells in their bodies.

The good news is that lung cancer and breast cancer can be cured with this method. All the people suffering from cancer can wish for the success of this test to build a cancer free world.

Reference: The TechJournal

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