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That fruit will cure cancer in a short time!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers are working hard to find drugs to prevent incurable cancer. But this time a very simple fruit has been discovered that will cure cancer in a very short time!

Cancer heal fruit

We know cancer as an incurable and terrible disease. Because there was a time when this cancer meant certain death. But it is changing with time. Now it is being treated. Many cancer patients are living fairly healthy lives with treatment. All these things have been done under the rule of science. So it can be said that now that bad time has passed. Yet people still have many reasons to fear cancer.

Anticancer drugs have been discovered recently. Many people have survived from cancer with proper treatment.

Science is improving day by day. Medicines for difficult diseases are being developed by various researches. Meanwhile, a group of scientists announced another surprising information. They claim that they have discovered a fruit that can cure cancer!

According to the Medical Research Institute of Brisbane, a type of fruit 'rain forest berry' can cure head and neck tumors. Not only that, but also this strange fruit can cure melanoma in just a few minutes.

This is not just a hypothesis, researchers say, but has been proven through experiments. Tests have shown that the seeds of this fruit have been able to heal tumors in cats, dogs and horses. Even more amazingly, within 5 minutes of injecting the fruit into a dog's tumor, it started working. The dog recovered within a day.

Note that this amazing cancer cure fruit is available only in North Queensland.

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