The Dhaka Times
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Minicure and Pedicure: How to take care of your hands and feet

The Dhaka Times Desk How to take care of hands and feet at home is called minicure and pedicure.

care of hands and feet

Minicure refers to hand, fingernail and skin care. Pedicure refers to the care of the feet, nails and skin of the feet. Hands and feet are the two main functional parts of our body. These two organs have to bear various risks and problems of the whole day. So it is essential for all of us to take care of these two organs. And it is not only girls who have these two organs. Rather, boys should be more careful than girls in this regard. Because boys are always outside in the dust and sand.

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But girls are not as careful about their skin as boys. Now the era is changing. Skin care is not only for girls, modern boys are also very advanced. After working all day, after returning home, choose a time and soak your feet for 10 to 20 minutes with a little shampoo mixed with warm water in two small pots. After that, scrub your hands and feet with a small brush and clean them, change the water and wash your feet again with good water, wipe them well with a dry cloth and apply a mosquito repellent. This whole thing should not take more than half an hour to do. If you do it regularly, the fatigue of the body will be removed as well as the hands and feet will feel good.

If your nails are scaly, you can use olive oil. Pour warm olive oil on a small cloth. Then soak the nails for 30 minutes. You will see your nails become attractive.

Shiner is available in the market and if you buy it and keep it at home, you shiner on your nails in your free time, the nails will be shiny and shiny.

Before going to sleep, pour olive oil on your hands on a white cotton cloth. Make full use of it. You will wake up in the morning and see that your hands have changed. It will seem that the hands have become alive like nature.

You can use olive oil on your feet in the same way as on your hands. But wondering what to do for foot care. In this case, mix 5/6 teaspoon of essential oil with olive oil in a small cloth. Massage it well on your feet before going to sleep. You will get a restful sleep. On the other hand, the skin of the feet will also be dirty and soft.

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