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Chubi's students made a cost-effective device to make sea water drinkable!

The Dhaka Times Desk Chittagong University's Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries scientists conducted research on making sea water potable and invented a successful device.


99% of Earth's water is non-potable and only 1% is potable. Among this 99 percent non-potable water, sea water covers a large part. Sea water is also called saline water because it contains a lot of sodium salts. Due to the high salt content of sea water, it is impossible for humans to drink this water. However, the small amount of water that is suitable for drinking in our world is decreasing day by day because of various pollution! As a result, we have to find alternatives very quickly. All over the world, research is currently being conducted on making sea water potable, and our country's scientists are not lagging behind.

In Bangladesh, research has been going on for a long time to make sea water suitable for human consumption. In 2010 Scientists of Chittagong University's Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries Conducted research on making sea water potable and also invented a successful device. This study conducted by University of Chittagong was conducted in the sea city of Cox's Bazar. Former students of Chittagong University's Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries Md. Mahidul Islam, Zahurul Islam, Mohammad Imran Hossain and associate professor Sheikh Aftab Uddin of the same department participated in the entire project.


SEA WATER DESALINATION UNIT THROUGH SOLAR POWER The entire work of this named project is conducted in Cox's Bazar. After long research through three types of solar steels in the project, a special device was invented to make sea water potable for coastal people. The researchers claim that the device they invented will cost only Rs 2,850 to make and is a reusable device.

How this device will work:


The working of this device is very simple. A simple solar steel should be bought and placed at a special angle at the bottom of a four-cornered container so that no water spills over. Now pour the sea water in the entire container and cover it with a glass plate. Sunlight will fall through the glass to the solar plate and the plate will be heated by the heat of the sun. The water in the plate will be absorbed by the heat of the sun and will accumulate point by point on the bottom of the glass. In this way, the pure food water will accumulate and accumulate in the container with the glass. The water produced by the heat of the sun is drinkable and does not contain any bacteria.


Countries around the world have given special attention to making sea water usable and potable. Day by day the level of potable fresh water in the ground is going down, it can be said for sure that the world including Bangladesh will face severe potable water crisis in the next few decades. Now is the time to focus on how to make the vast amount of salty ocean water drinkable. If the government of Bangladesh extends government support to these devices and researchers developed in a completely indigenous process, the people of Bangladesh will not have to face the danger of facing the drinking water crisis in the future.

Previously published in The Dhaka Times Click here to read the report on the invention of sea water purification device developed by Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology students.

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