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Janineen Five causes of bad breath and their remedies

The Dhaka Times Desk A man's personality has a lot to do with his physical beauty and accessories. Among them, teeth are an important issue. Everyone loves beautiful teeth and smile. But if that smile becomes the cause of suffering of the people around because of his bad breath, then it is a matter of concern. Let us know about five causes of bad breath.


Five Causes of Bad Breath
1) Unclean face
Many bacteria are also responsible for our bad breath. They collectively create a foul odor. In some cases, the person who has bad breath may not even realize or know it. This bad breath in general is halotsis known as


According to Dr. Richard H., spokesperson for the American Dental Association, ninety percent of our bad breath is caused by bacteria. These bacteria grow from the food we eat. The food particles we eat are quickly spread through the blood, tissues, and into the mouth and produce sulfur compounds. These bacteria in the mouth are very reactive and can move through our tongue. Therefore, teeth and tongue should be cleaned thoroughly after taking food.
With the toothbrushes available in the market these days, it is possible to clean not only the teeth but also the tongue with the other side of the brush. So it is understood that bad breath cannot be prevented only by using good toothpaste. It requires a lot of awareness and cleanliness.

2) Due to decrease in saliva
Not everything that goes on inside our body is under our control. Many times when we have not eaten for a long time or due to cold, the inside of our mouth is dry. And in this condition, bacteria grow and the bad smell spreads. Many times we see the amount of saliva in our mouth due to cold
(saliva) is not in the amount it should be. Saliva is basically a watery substance in our mouth. It basically helps in keeping bacteria from accumulating in the mouth. But if the tongue and mouth are dry and the amount of water is reduced, the bacteria can become stronger. Its prevalence can increase a lot in summer or winter.
So, to prevent this bad smell, you have to give up the bad habit of eating for a long time. Besides, so that the secretion of saliva does not decrease inside the mouth, it can be avoided even by eating food like drinks.

3) Smelly food
When we consume food, many of us just eat foods without thinking before and after which causes bad breath. There are many people who eat raw onion or garlic with food. Also some have addiction to alcohol, smoking.
These things increase the level of bad breath many times. American Dietetic Association Spokesperson Jenny Mollu  Think - these foods absorb the oil and expel it through the blood stream after three to four hours with the help of our respiratory system.
Therefore, you can eat onions and garlic raw without eating them in curry, or even if you eat them raw, if you brush your teeth well or use mouthwash, you can avoid the uncomfortable situation. And since smoking is a cause of heart disease, it is best to avoid it and be aware of excessive or low alcohol consumption.


4) Lack of adequate sugar
Many people cut out sugary foods (rice, potatoes, pasta, flour, noodles, cornflakes, etc.) from their daily diet. Sugar or Carbohydrate main function is to generate heat or calories in our body, which is very useful for our physiological work. When there is a deficiency of carbohydrates in our body, the stored fat in the body (Fat) then produces carbohydrates but produces "ketone bodies" as a by-product. (Info- Lowcarbdiets

When these ketone bodies are overproduced, some ketones are released in our breath, which has a very bad smell. People who starve themselves to diet or consume low amounts of carbohydrates are more likely to suffer from this problem.
So low carbohydrate foods i.e. vegetables and protein can be consumed to avoid bad breath.


5) Causes of illness
Although it may sound surprising, this illness can be one of the many causes of bad breath. Many of us often suffer from gastric or ulcer problems. GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux diseases) This problem can be briefly said that if we do not eat on time, the secretion of acid in our stomach increases and forms gas. Bad smell can be created due to back flow from there. Apart from ketosis due to diabetes, toxins are released from liver or kidney problems, which can increase bad breath through the respiratory system.
Apart from the above reasons, worry or anxiety, high alcohol mouthwash, jelly or caramel chocolate, gummy bears which can cause bad breath by creating bacteria in the mouth. If we are a little aware, we can avoid this undesirable situation.

Data sourcesHealthy Living

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