The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Korme Wali Chicken Biryani

The Dhaka Times Desk Korme Wali Chicken Biryani is the recipe for you today. Check out the ingredients and preparation below for this slightly unusual arrangement.

Korme Wali Chicken Biryani


  • # Basmati Rice 1 kg
  • # chicken 1
  • # chili powder 1 tbsp
  • # coriander powder 2 tbsp
  • # Yogurt 2 cups
  • 1 TP5T chopped onion and a half cup
  • # onion batter 2 cups
  • # garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • # ginger paste 1 tbsp
  • # Chillies 7/8
  • # small cardamom 6/7
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • # Zorda color half teaspoon
  • # sugar 1 tsp
  • # mint leaves 2 tbsp
  • # Shahi Jeera Half tsp
  • # oil/ghee ½ cup
  • prepared method

    First cut the chicken piece by piece and wash and drain the water. Add sour curd 2 tablespoons, ghee 2 tablespoons, chili powder, ginger paste, garlic paste, coriander powder, salt, onion paste 1 cup, 4 cardamoms, 2 cinnamon sticks and leave for 15 minutes. Now put a pot in the oven and cook it like a korma and pour it with a little broth. Cut the face of the green chillies and give them 5 to 6 minutes.

    Boil water in another vessel with salt, mint leaves, black pepper, green pepper, Shahi cumin, cinnamon and cardamom for 20 minutes. Now boil and cook with rice. In this way first the oil/ghee half should be spread over it, with meat, rose water and ghee in each layer. Sprinkle ghee on top and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Korme Wali Chicken Biryani is done. Arrange on a plate and serve hot.

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