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Find out why being single on Valentine's Day is good for you and some tips for singles!

The Dhaka Times Desk Valentine's Day is a happy day for lovers, but there are some people who are single and lonely, who are a little disappointed because they don't have a partner on this day. Now researchers say that being alone on Valentine's Day, or spending some time alone in personal life, brings personal benefits for a person.

Are you alone? Don't you have a love partner? Are you disappointed to see your significant other on Valentine's Day? It is normal that the answer to these three questions will be different for each person. But this time, researchers say that if a person is alone for some time in his life, it is not bad for him.

February 14 is World Valentine's Day, this day is considered as a special day of joy for lovers all over the world. This day is considered as a day of depression or despair for those who are alone i.e. those who do not have a love partner.

যদিও মনবিজ্ঞানের দৃষ্টিতে একাকীত্ব মানুষের হতাশার কারন হতে পারে এবং মানসিক সমস্যার সৃষ্টি করতে পারে বলেই বিবেচিত হয়। তবে হতাশ হবেন না সব কিছুরই যেমন ভালো থাকে তার মন্দ দিকও থাকে। আপনি যদি একা থাকেন কিংবা একজন কাছের মানুষ,  মনের মানুষ না খুঁজে পান তাহলে হতাশ হয়ে পড়ার কিছুই নেই। বিশ্লেষকরা গবেষণায় দেখেছেন,” It is necessary for every human being to be alone or to feel loneliness at some point in their life. And this solitude can serve as a powerful tool to develop human talent or bring success."

Man encounters many things in the long course of his life, for reasons and for reasons. These contexts are sometimes happy and sometimes sad. Only if you have been alone for some time in your long life will you know how to value your loved one because it was not so easy for you to find him.

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On the other hand, there are many things you can do in this single period of your life that can change your life radically! Or the foundation of your life may be laid during this alone time. What happened if you don't have a partner? No one is alone all his life, someone is waiting for you in some corner of the world, so don't be disappointed, focus on important work for your life at this time.

It is an established fact today that every solitary man can give more attention to his institutional work than other men.

Now let's know some tips for those who have not found a partner yet:

  • Remember that Valentine's Day means you're alone, but you're not unlovable! There are many people around you who love you very much. So the lovers of the world spend only one happy day on Valentine's Day But you have 364 more days remains! So don't be disappointed.
  • Judge yourself, think you will be alone all your life? Or you will never find a person of mind? Yes it is never possible that you will not have the person of your heart someday. Surely it will happen today or very soon. At this time focus on your work and prepare yourself for loved ones.
  • Never compare yourself to anyone else, no one is pointing fingers at you. Everyone is busy with their own work, so why should you be disappointed about another person's affairs! You are separate from others and completely single existence! Discover what you might have that no one else has.
  • Don't judge yourself by relationship status! Right now you don't have a soulmate, but you are someone's child, someone's brother or sister? Feel how much they love you. Remember that Valentine's Day is not just for lovers, love is universal.
  • Think about yourself, you may be thinking that you are alone! Have you ever tried to get someone to love you? Or are you in the group of those who speak English “হু কেয়ার মানসিকতার মানুষ!” So think about whether you have ever tried to get a loved one!

Finally, remember that there are many other roles to play on Valentine's Day beyond the role of a boyfriend or girlfriend. Love your family, love the poor people on the street, love the motherland and above all love humanity.

Research Sources on Being Single Is Good for You: The Daily Mail

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৪, ২০১৪ 12:31 pm


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