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Bees are using plastic to make hives!

The Dhaka Times Desk Where plastic poses a threat to wildlife and marine life, bees in Canadian cities are putting it to work. Bees are using plastic to make their hives.


A group of researchers from the University of Gulf has revealed that urban bees use small pieces of plastic, plastic bags and plastic construction materials to build their hives. Bees are using plastic instead of commonly used tree resin. Researchers see this as the bee's fertile brain and extreme adaptability.

Professor Andrew More and McIver made the discovery while observing hives in Toronto together. They found that two species of bees used plastic in place of natural nest building materials.


The first bee Megachile campanulae traditionally uses tree resin to build hives. Macvor found some gray matter in their hive. Initially he mistook them for chewing gum. Later, More examined them with a scanning electron microscope and found them to be polymers. They use plastic to make the cells of the beehive, to block the cells.

The other species is Megachile rotundata. They replaced about a quarter of each cell with plastic.

The signs suggest that bees chew plastic differently than leaves. From which it can be assumed that they are not doing it by mistake, they are doing it knowingly. They first collect plastic materials. Later they are chewed and secreted as gum and used to make beehives. The larvae have adapted well to plastic housing. It even protects against parasite attacks.


Researchers believe that plastic causes adverse effects on various species and ecosystem components, although some scientists have found that insects have adapted well to plastic-rich environments. Bees' use of plastic suggests so.

The intelligence of bees is amazing. Their labor system, rules and regulations, defense system are extraordinary. They can adapt to any environment. Along with people, they are also moving forward. Let's see how much more intelligent bees can show in the future!

Source: Daily Mail

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