The Dhaka Times
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Zawahiri's Audio Message: Who Changed the Arabic Texts? What was in that video [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Al-Qaeda leader Zawahiri's audio message was actually a video. Only the keynote is attached to that video as it is audio. At the beginning of the video, still images of police action have been added.


This news was widely published in different media of the world yesterday Saturday. This is the first call for any jihad against Bangladesh by Laden forces. Bangladesh has never entertained radical terrorists. Meanwhile, a radical organization called JMB emerged. That too has been largely eradicated by banning the government. But yesterday the matter came to world news media. Various discussions and criticisms are going on not only in the country but also in the world about this news. Because Bangladesh is a peaceful country. People of this country do not believe in any kind of violence, violence or terrorism.

But the video was actually in Arabic, as can be seen from the picture. The picture we published with this news has everything in Arabic. But the picture published in the previous news (the picture below) was written in Bengali and English. It means that Bengali and English were added to it later. A vested interest seems to have done this so that Bengalis can understand. But who did this work? Such a question has come to everyone's mind. But after a day or two, the matter may be clear. If others have added something new to the video, since it has been broadcast internationally, many feel that there may be some reaction from Laden's forces.

Jihad Zawahiri Message-2

Although Bangladesh is far away from such violent activities, but suddenly the audio which we refer to as video came online yesterday. Because audio narration has been added to that video. In that video of 14 minutes 50 seconds, the first 2 minutes 37 seconds of different police action still images are given. Looking at these still pictures, it is clear that they are from Bangladesh. Again the still image of burning Quran Sharif is also shown in that 2 minutes 37 seconds period. Then the audio with Zawahiri's picture was broadcast from 2 minutes 38 seconds. The video features Arabic audio with English subtitles. Again some interview videos have been added at 11 minutes and 20 seconds. Zawahiri's speech was given again at 12 minutes and 5 seconds. After this there are others' statements.

Watch the video of Zawahiri

The video message also said, “Muslim brothers of Bangladesh, I appeal to you to resist those who have declared a crusade against Islam. The top criminals of the subcontinent and the West are plotting against Islam, against the Prophet of Islam, plotting against the Muslim Ummah, so that they can turn you into slaves of the unbelievers.”

Describing Bangladesh as a 'huge prison', the message said, 'The honor of Muslims in this country has been ruined today.'

"Bangladesh today is the victim of a conspiracy involving Indian agents, corrupt Pakistani military leadership and power-hungry, treacherous politicians of Bangladesh and Pakistan." It is mentioned in that video image.

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