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YouTube banned in 10 countries for publishing sensitive videos [Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk YouTube is known as a free video publishing medium. Many people around the world publish their video collections on YouTube. These videos spread around instantly. 10 countries think that this is the problem, as a result they have temporarily closed YouTube.


Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Libya, Thailand, Turkmenistan, China, North Korea, Iran and Pakistan have announced that YouTube will be closed to the people of their respective countries. The main reason behind the closure of YouTube is the rapid spread of protests in these countries. Apart from this, various important videos of the state have been published on YouTube, and the spread of scandals by various people is also a reason behind the closure of YouTube.

Anyone can generally publish videos on YouTube. As a result, anarchy can be created in the country due to the release of a video on any issue of a country and its rapid spread and agitation based on it. The administrations of Brazil, Turkey, Germany, Libya, Thailand, Turkmenistan, China, North Korea, Iran and Pakistan think that this is happening in their respective countries.

If you review the political and social situation of the countries where YouTube is closed, it can be seen that these countries are not stable at all. At the same time, the governments of these countries are facing agitations on various issues. As a result, they want to suppress these anti-government movements. In this case, the agitators are spreading various video messages by campaigning against the government on YouTube. Which is further increasing the ongoing discontent against the government.

However, some other reasons have been shown behind the ban on YouTube in 10 countries besides the anti-government movement. Another notable factor is the YouTube addiction of minors. According to them, the minors of the country are getting addicted to watching various porn videos on YouTube, which is dangerous for the future generation of the country.

Note that YouTube currently has more than 6 billion hours of video uploads, with over 1 billion unique users watching and publishing videos on YouTube every week. YouTube has emerged as a very useful medium for many people in today's world.



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