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Breaking news: YouTube finally deleted the controversial video

The Dhaka Times Desk YouTube has deleted the video of Pepsi's controversial ad about Bangladesh centered on World Cup cricket. The Bangladeshi tech generation reacted angrily after seeing the video titled 'Mouka Mouka' uploaded on YouTube.

controversial YouTube video

The critically-acclaimed 'Mooka Mooka' ad shows a boy with 'India' written on his chest sitting indoors drinking Pepsi. At this time, the doorbell of his house rang. Opened the door and saw a boy standing - 'Bangladesh' written on his chest. Puja flowers and prasad in the hands of that boy. The boy with 'India' written on his chest pointed his finger at the wall looking at him with disdain. At this time, a world map was also shown on the wall, where Bangladesh is seen next to India. It is written there - '1971, India created Bangladesh.' It means 'India created Bangladesh in 1971.' Then the boy with 'Bangladesh' written on his chest left with flowers at the feet of the boy with 'India' written on his chest.

The Bangladeshi technology generation reacted angrily after seeing the video titled 'Mouka Mouka' uploaded on YouTube from India on Sunday. In the face of their strong protest, within 24 hours, the YouTube authority has removed the video clip mocking the liberation war at a quarter past one Bangladesh time today, citing 'policy' reasons.

Note that the video was uploaded ahead of the Bangladesh-India cricket match on March 19. After uploading the video, the number of views exceeded 2,85,000 lakhs and in no time it made it to the list of most talked about videos.

World Cup Cricket: Pepsi's controversial ad about Bangladesh! [video] A news item was published in The Dhaka Times with the title.

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