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A quarter of Americans do not know the earth revolves around the sun!

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent survey in America showed that 4th of the population of that country does not know that the earth revolves around the sun. The results of this survey are considered sensational by the researchers.


America is the most prosperous country in the world, but every fourth citizen of that country does not know the fact that our earth revolves around the sun. Analysts think that this ignorance is worrying for the people of a country like America.

The survey was conducted in America of the National Science Foundation under A total of 2,200 US citizens participated in the full survey. These people who participated in the survey were asked two questions, first they were asked to know about the rotation of the earth and the sun about each other and then they were asked to know the early history of human creation.

In terms of answering two questions, the results of the people who took part in the survey are disappointing! Only 6.5 percent of people were able to give the correct answer and the rest either gave a mistake or said they did not know.

48 percent of the people who took part in the survey know that humans were originally created from monkeys. The rest do not know what the original tribe of people was. In addition, one fourth of the entire survey people do not know whether the earth revolves around the sun or the sun revolves around the earth.

Earlier such surveys were conducted in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012. Among them, the results of 2004 were more disappointing. At that time, 62 percent of people did not know about the rotation of the earth and the sun.

Be that as it may, one cannot help but wonder how the people of the United States of America, the most modern and technologically advanced country in the world today, think about space and the history of their origins.

Source: Dailymail

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