The Dhaka Times
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Robot army to help prevent future floods!

The Dhaka Times Desk With the development of science and technology, many types of robots are being invented. Basically they are made to make human work easier. So far, robots have been created in the image of many animals including humans. But this time, a termite-like robot has been created that will help prevent future floods.


This robot has been developed by a group of researchers from Harvard University. Engineering and applied science and biology inspired engineering department worked on this project. They developed this robot by analyzing the workings of termites. It will act much like a termite.

Termites work independently during mound building. There is no central control between them. Or they don't even discuss among themselves. One termite does its own thing without knowing what the other is doing. In this case only observation is employed.

Robot army 'to help alleviate future floods'

This robot works the same way. It works without central control. It accomplishes its task by monitoring the progress of others. That is, each robot works independently and side by side. They build their own ladders to work at greater heights.


These robots will build sand walls to prevent flooding. Besides, they can be used in various construction works. There are even plans to use it to build structures on Mars.

Everything in this world is created for human welfare. We have to acquire knowledge and apply it. Only then can the final peak of improvement be reached.

Source: BBC

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