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NASA will send a helicopter to Mars!

The helicopter is designed to fly on Mars

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA will send a helicopter to Mars for the first time! The helicopter will be sent there mainly to check if any vehicle is able to fly there.

এবার মঙ্গল গ্রহে হেলিকপ্টার পাঠাবে নাসা! 1

NASA said, this helicopter will be a member of their 'Mars Rover'. This helicopter is named 'Mars Helicopter'. Its weight is 800 grams per kilogram. A team of NASA scientists has worked for four years to create this new Mars rover. NASA plans to send it to Mars in 2020.

According to a BBC news, the helicopter is designed to fly on Mars. The reason is that the density of Mars is about 100% that of Earth, so it remains to be seen whether a vehicle can fly there.

Meanwhile, NASA said, the helicopter is heavier than 'air aircraft'. This is because 'aircraft' usually means balloon and 'aerostat'. Although two balloons have already been sent into Venus' atmosphere, no helicopter-like vehicle has yet been sent to the aliens.

It is known that NASA has installed two fans in this helicopter. They are able to rotate 3 thousand times per minute. The helicopters in the world have blades that are usually able to rotate 300 times per minute.

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine told the press, 'The mission to send helicopters to aliens is very exciting. We believe that this expedition will play an important role in our research on Mars.'

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