The Dhaka Times Desk A 100-meter-deep luxury five-star hotel is being built next to an abandoned waterlogged lake at the foot of China's Tianmenshan Mountains.
The hotel is being built at a cost of USD 345 million in the Songjiang district of China, designed by British architectural firm Atkins. It has 380 rooms and has 19 floors, two of which are underwater.
Hotel InterContinental Shimao is surrounded by a mountainous landscape where hotel guests can enjoy hiking and skating on the lake at the foot. The builders hope to open this hotel for guests from 2015. And guests have to spend at least $200 per night to stay at this hotel.
The two underwater floors are constructed by aquarium glass which is essentially a submerged restaurant. From where guests can enjoy the underwater view. Like other hotels it has swimming pool, sports center, buffet and conference center. Atkins has designed it environmentally friendly to blend in with the natural landscape and is being installed as such. The hotel has a beautiful hill garden on the roof.
It is basically a diverse interaction where two floors are underwater, the remaining 17 floors are built like caves on the mountain, with natural gardens on the roof. Guests can view the 100m high waterfall from the comfort of their own rooms. The hotel is one of the plans for the Shimao Wonderland theme park.
Reference: DailyMail
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২২, ২০১৪ 10:59 am
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