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Picture-variety: the terrible and strange creatures of the sea!

The Dhaka Times Desk Three parts of the earth is water, one part is land, so water covers an area 3 times larger than land. And many animals live in these waters, among which we know very few. There are countless sea creatures that are as terrifying as they are bizarre.


The ocean is a vast reservoir of water. Under the sea there is another world where there are many aquatic animals. Among these animals, numerous animals live in deep water. So deep that even light does not reach there. Today we will know about some strange and scary creatures of the sea.

1) Young Ice Fish



They live in icy water. That is, in the part of the sea where the ice accumulates, these fish are found. They can survive in extremely cold water. Their body also has blood, but their blood is not red, so the body is transparent like glass, but the blood is not visible.

2) Sea pig or sea pig



They look a lot like pigs, so they are called sea pigs. They are also called sea cucumbers. This marine animal is found in the greatest number along the shores of the Antarctic seas. Although sea cucumbers may look unsightly, they play an effective role in removing ocean debris.

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3) Sendthoper


They grow rapidly in oxygen-rich water and thrive there. Strange as it may look, this animal is one of the main sources of food for whales and dolphins in the deep sea.

4) Worms of Aish


They look hairy, they breed in cold water.

5) Ant Arthur


Their English name Antarcturus (an Isopod Crustacean), they live deep in the ocean and their food is marine microorganisms. They stick to various mosses and algae in the deep sea.

6) Octopus


There are very few people who do not know octopus. Octopus is a colorful deep sea creature. They often come very close to the shore in search of food. Large octopuses are said to kill humans. Octopus has eight legs.

7) Serolid 


They look like lice but slightly larger in front. They live in deep water and sacrifice their lives as food for whales.

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8) feather star




Their English names are: Feather Star, they live deep in the ocean. They live by eating marine microorganisms. They are called feather stars because of their shape.

5) Basket Star


They are very beautiful animals. They are called basket stars because they look like cages. Although they look like that, they have life. As they swim in the ocean, they filter the water and eat microorganisms.

6) Soft coral

09 Soft Coral Crab


They are soft but live like corals. Researchers are still researching this animal.

7) Bobfis




This fish looks awfully awkward. They are as strange as they are awkward in shape. According to analysts, they are called the ugliest animals in the world.

8) Fang Tooth



Fangtooth fish

In English they are called Fangtooth, their teeth are sharp like needles and their heads are golden in color. Looking at this fish you would think it is made of some metal.

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9) Goblin Shark



They look a lot like dried moss. Analysts call them living fossils.

10) Flamingo Tongue Snail




They are colorful and live deep in the ocean, although they are snails but their upper shells are very flexible.

11) Angler fish




They look strange. They are not seen because they are very deep in the water. They live thousands of feet below the ocean where there is no light, so they have a part that comes down from their mouths that diffuses the light by itself. This is called evolution.

Source: Oldet is interesting
Thank you: Popularmechanics

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