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10 amazing places that will disappear

The Dhaka Times Desk Innumerable beautiful natural green areas are located in different parts of the world. But ongoing climate change is devouring much of it like a monster. Many more places will disappear in the future. Our today's arrangement with 10 such places.


Great Barrier Reef, Australia
It is the world's largest coral reef. Its length is 344,400 square kilometers. It has long been an underwater attraction. But the current climate change has eroded its body. Due to pollution, sea water temperature is continuously increasing. Which is a serious threat to it. If this situation continues, its existence will disappear after next 100 years.


Venice, Italy
Venice, the city of love, is suffering from flooding today. Its beautiful channels are now gone. If this situation continues, the English city of Venice will vanish by the end of this century.


dead sea
The ancient Dead Sea is an integral part of history. It has shrunk by a third in the last forty years. It is now only 80 feet deep. The river's condition has become critical due to the Jordanian water collection from its only water source. It may not be found in another fifty years.


Glacier National Park, Montana
Where there used to be 150 glaciers, today only 25 remain due to climate change. By 2030 these too will be exhausted. As a result, the ecosystem here will collapse.

Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana

Maldives is the lowest country in the world. This beautiful island is only five feet above sea level. If the sea level rises at the current rate, it will sink in the next 100 years. Due to this risk, the Maldivian government has taken initiatives to buy land from other countries and relocate people there.

Travel Destination: Maldive Islands

Sicily consists of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. 90,000 people live in it. Elite hotels have been built for tourism. Worryingly, its beaches continue to erode. It is estimated that the islands of Sicily will sink within the next 50 to 100 years.

tropical paradise, North Island, Seychelles

the alps
The most popular skiing region in the world is the Alps. Its height is decreasing due to climate change. Its glaciers are melting at a rate of 3 percent per year. If things continue at this rate, there will be no ice left by 2050. It will become a normal mountain.


Magdalen Islands, Quebec, Canada
Magdalen is a picturesque archipelago in the Gulf of St. Lawrence with sandy beaches and sandstone cliffs. Its shoreline is receding 40 inches per year due to high winds and melting ice walls. If the blocking ice wall melts completely, its banks will be eroded by storms within the next 75 years.


Alaska is the northernmost tundra region of America. Its atmosphere is completely personal. But climate change is destroying its identity. Along with the destruction of its infrastructure, its current ecosystem is being dramatically overturned.


Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
The most visited glacier in North America is the Athabasca Glacier. It covers 203 square kilometers of Colombia's 6 square kilometer ice field. Its glaciers have been melting for the past 125 years. Currently its melting is very fast. 6.6 to 9.8 feet are lost each year. If it continues like this, its lifespan is not long.

Athabasca Glacier, Columbia Icefield

As a result of climate change, these extraordinary places of the world are about to disappear. If this goes on, a question comes back, will the world of the future be without diversity?

Source: time

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