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Amazing benefits of coconut oil and its uses

The Dhaka Times Desk Although we know that coconut oil is only used on the head, this coconut oil has amazing benefits. Let's know the uses and benefits of this coconut oil.


Uses of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used in our country for about 2,000 years. It is one of the healthiest oils in the world. It has great qualities. Which plays a very effective role in protecting the body outside and inside.


Coconut oil is high in fiber, minerals and vitamins. It contains an ingredient called “Khadhantrop Aparaf” which is very much needed by the mother's body for the milk of the new born baby.


Benefits of Coconut Oil

# in hair care: There is no substitute for coconut oil in hair care. It acts as a conditioner to nourish and strengthen the hair. Heat the oil on the scalp and massage it to relieve itchiness.

# in skin care: Coconut oil is very beneficial in preventing various skin diseases such as rough skin, wrinkles, red spots on the skin, or spots. Therefore, coconut oil ingredients are used in many expensive famous products such as soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions.

# Weight Loss: Coconut oil helps in digestion. and improves thyroid function. It contains moderate amounts of fatty acids that help reduce excess weight and belly fat.

# Heart disease: Although coconut is high in fat. But it contains “Khdhantrop Aparaf” which 50% helps in lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol.

# Cuts and Burns: Applying coconut oil to wounds, cuts and burns provides relief. Because it prevents bacteria and viruses and helps build tissue.

# Cooking with coconut oil: All cooking oils (olive oil, soybean, sunflower oil and canola oil) except coconut oil, which produce more toxins when cooked at high temperatures. Which is not very good for digestion. Only coconut oil can withstand high temperatures and keep food ingredients intact.

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