Categories: Special article

Men are also victims of rape!

The Dhaka Times Desk By rape we mean sexual abuse of girls. But that is not true. Sexual abuse of any person is rape. Men and boys are also victims of rape. But it is published less.

Rape is a heinous crime. A bully is the worst person in society. They focus on sexual harassment. Be it a woman or a man. Although women are victims of sexual violence in our society, but many steps have been taken to remedy it. So the bully has to take a risk to engage in antisocial activities. And then she chooses a man or a boy.

Again, homosexuality is the choice of many depraved brains. Because of which she chooses men or boys to fulfill her sexual desires. That is why he chooses meek and gentle people who will not be able to strongly protest this anti-social act done against their will. He made them indebted in various ways. And the desires of his black heart are interpreted.

Raped men and boys tend to hide this fact carefully. Out of shame, hatred and humiliation, he cannot tell anyone about this incident. Since rape is a girl issue in the society, he finds it difficult to think of himself as a boy. It's a huge blow to his manhood. The boy is very traumatized. The impact of the event lasts for many years. Even life drives him away. If one understands the pain of living alone with a single pain in one's chest, one must be moved.

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Let me tell you a movie story. Name of the movie Mystic River. Sean Penn was sexually abused as a child. Due to which he grows up with unbearable emotional pain. As he grows up, he indulges in murder and mischief. Killed his torturer.

Ways to save men and boys from rape:
No matter how soft-spoken you are, take a very firm stance on rape. In addition to strongly protesting this, the depraved people should be exposed and punished. If you let him go, he will do the same to someone else.

If you indulge it thinking you are not a girl you will live with a scar for the rest of your life. Your psyche will do ultimate damage. Which you will understand much later.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse, share it with someone you trust.

Parents have to think about the safety of the girl child as well as the boy child. This one incident can destroy your son's mind.

Finally, I want to talk about soft clay children. Whether it is a boy or a girl, we all need to ensure that she does not become a victim of sexual abuse. If you ride in public transport, be careful if a child is being sexually abused there. Be extra careful if you are a teacher. Because they are your children. Above all, no matter what profession you are in, keep an eye on the children around you. The children will not be able to tell anyone about this pressing pain, they will go alone.

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Source: telegraph

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১, ২০১৪ 3:32 pm

ABM Noorullah

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