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China will give submarines to Bangladesh and Pakistan, India is in crisis!

The Dhaka Times Desk China will sell modern technology submarines to Bangladesh and Pakistan. China has already completed agreements with two South Asian countries. At the same time India is in acute submarine-crisis.


According to various international media, the Chinese government has completed the sale of two medium-range mini submarines with Bangladesh. The submarine trade agreement between China and Bangladesh is worth about $206 million. Under this agreement, China will supply two types of diesel electric submarines for the Bangladesh Navy by 2019.

Earlier in January 2014, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh had announced that advanced submarines would be added to the fleet to strengthen the Bangladesh Navy. However, at that time no idea was given from which country Bangladesh is actually going to buy these submarines.

It is reported that 17 sailors of Bangladesh Navy have already arrived in China for training in submarine operation. And separate land is being purchased for a potential submarine base of the Bangladesh Navy near the Qutubdia beach in Chittagong.

The submarines that Bangladesh is importing from China are diesel electric submarines. This kind of
Submarines were first developed by the former Soviet Union. Analysts believe that submarines will play a very important role in maintaining and controlling the vast sea boundaries of Bangladesh.

On the other hand, in 2014, China, another South Asian country, concluded a deal to sell six submarines to Pakistan. At the same time, Pakistan is buying several arms from China.

Meanwhile, according to Times of India news, Bangladesh and Pakistan signed a submarine purchase agreement with China at a time when India, another neighboring country in South Asia, is facing a major submarine crisis.

Source: The diplomat, Times of India

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