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Facebook is now introducing the account system of dead people!

The Dhaka Times Desk The accounts of the dead will be active on the popular social media Facebook from now on. This initiative of Facebook to preserve the memory of the dead.


Facebook is the most connected social media in the world. Here people build their own other world. She expresses herself through regular sharing. Similarly knows about others. When someone dies, there are many friends who will only remember them through Facebook. Thinking about this, Facebook has announced that the accounts of the dead will continue to function like those of the living.

Previously, if a person with a Facebook account died, all logins to his account were blocked. Only the wall could be seen, friends in the list could also see it.


From now on, Facebook will keep the privacy settings of these accounts the same as the account holder. As a result its view will remain as before. Relatives of the deceased can login to the account. You can see the timeline. You can post from there. According to Facebook, after the death of a loved one, people want to visit their Facebook account to express their condolences.


Facebook's newly added “Look Back” service will be available for relatives of the deceased. Through this they can see the past activities of their loved ones.

This service of Facebook is undoubtedly a good initiative. But think about those who are involved in unethical activities on Facebook. What will your family members look like if you die today!

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