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Gionee's Elife S5.5 is the world's thinnest Android phone

The Dhaka Times Desk MWC mobile fair showcases all types of modern mobiles in the world. The exhibition was held recently. Gionee Elife S5.5 wins the title as the slimmest set.


The latest addition from the Gionee company is the Elife S5.5. As the name suggests, the set is 5.5 millimeters thick. It will be launched in India in March this year. ELIFE S series is the new series of the company. It became quite popular in India within a few months of its release.


Let's know the features of Elife S5.5:
Its display uses a 5-inch, full HD supported AMOLED Plus screen. True Octa-core 1.7GHz processor is used for fast working. This phone uses the AMIGO operating system, a different version of Android.


It has back camera and front camera. The back camera is 13 megapixels and the front camera is 5 megapixels. This set uses a 95 degree wide front camera for the first time. As a result, more space can be seen than before during video communication.


There are two types of camera settings in this phone – Normal and Professional. There is also Charm Camera which has automatic make up mode, footprint mode and meeting memo mode.

Elife S5.5 will be available in black, white, blue, pink and purple colors.

It is expected to capture the market very easily as it is the slimmest and has all the latest features.

Source: FinancialExpress

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