The Dhaka Times
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Farzana Islam, the country's first female vice-chancellor: how much can she fulfill the expectations?

The Dhaka Times Desk Professor Farzana Islam of Anthropology Department of Jahangirnagar University (JABI) has been appointed as the first female Vice-Chancellor of Bangladesh. He got this appointment from the Vice-Chancellor panel given by the Senate. It remains to be seen how much the expectations of the students will be fulfilled.


This is the first appointment of women in any of the highest universities in Bangladesh. From the prime minister of the country to the leader of the opposition party, speaker, judge, there are women in almost all cases. They are also performing their duties properly. However, this is the first time that a woman has been appointed VC in a higher education institution. This recruitment has added a special dimension to Jahangir Nagar University in particular. Because there has been a lot of criticism in the past few appointments in Jahangir Nagar University. Repeated movement of teachers and students is destroying the learning environment of this school. However, since a woman has been appointed, many people think that the education environment here will return. Teachers, students and their dependents are hoping that the new VC will conduct all administrative activities impartially with equal status to all.

Meanwhile, on the news of getting this appointment, Professor Farzana said, 'I got the responsibility. We will make Jahangirnagar a beautiful university together regardless of party affiliation.'

In an order issued by the Ministry of Education on Sunday, Professor Farzana has been appointed as the Vice-Chancellor of Jahangirnagar University for 4 years. Professor M. in the same order. A. Mateen has been relieved from the charge of Acting Vice-Chancellor and physics professor Abul Hossain has been given the charge of Vice-Chancellor.

It should be noted that the country's only residential university located in Savar was virtually non-functional for most of last year. In January 2012, Professor Sharif Enamul Kabir resigned from the post of Vice-Chancellor in the face of teacher-student movement protesting the murder of Zubair Ahmed, a student of the English Department, and protesting the random recruitment of teachers. Professor Anwar Hossain of Dhaka University took charge as the Vice-Chancellor of Jahangirnagar University on May 20 of that year.

Professor Anwar Hossain left Jahangirnagar University under police guard on December 5 in the face of continuous protests by teachers for various demands. Professor Anwar Hossain resigned from outside the campus on January 13.

On February 20, the university senate proposed the names of Professor Farzana Islam, Professor Abul Hossain and Professor Amir Hossain. In the voting, Professor Abul Hossain of Physics Department and Teacher Farzana of Anthropology Department got 40 votes and Professor of Economics Amir got 33 votes. Later, Farzana Islam was declared first by lottery.

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