The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Saudi women activists attended the Sura Council for women's liberation.
Those agitators have appealed for the end of men's authority over women through the current patriarchal social system.
Azizia Yusuf, a women activist, recently told the media that an application has been made to the Sura Consultative Council for the release of this woman on the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8.
Note that Saudi Arabia has imposed several restrictions on women through Islamic law. Women are also prohibited from working outside the home. On the other hand, there is a ban on going anywhere without a male guardian. Saudi women do not even get any kind of identity card without the permission of a male guardian. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive. In October 2013, three women on the Sura Council approved allowing women to drive, but the rest of the male-dominated council rejected the proposal.