The Dhaka Times
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Even if the work is the same, the wages of women workers are less!

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Thursday, 6 March 2014 Christ, 22 Falgun 1420 Bengal, 4 submission: Awal 1435 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

women workers work

This picture is of two women workers. Today's attempt is to highlight how neglected and abused women still are in our country.

Both men and women work as laborers in our country. But if a man gets 300 rupees for doing the same work, a woman worker is paid 200 rupees. Why such discrimination? Can there be two rules in one country? No one can answer this question. Can such discrimination ever be accepted?

Many people, especially those who employ women workers, have been asked several times, but they have not been able to give any answers. But in some cases it has been seen that female workers work more than male workers. Because a male worker spends a lot of time consuming cigarettes, tea. But a woman worker never wastes time with cigarettes or tea. But still in our country called 'women' so the wages are low!

Let us all stand against such discrimination. We help the nation to ensure equal rights for men and women.

May we have a good morning like every day. Good wishes to all once again - good morning.

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