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Smartphone smart call apps True-Caller will meet all the needs related to phone calls!

The Dhaka Times Desk If your phone directory is such that unwanted calls are blocked. Or it will tell you that you don't need to answer the calls, but how nice it would be. can meet your needs 'True-caller‘ Name app. The True-Caller app is available for all smartphone platforms.


An app like this is very necessary for everyone in the busy city life. Now let's see how the app works.

1. Searching


It is very difficult to find the right person's number among thousands of numbers in the phone book while calling someone during busy work. In this case, the app called True-Caller can help you. Because here you can sort your numbers by organization or business. Or you can keep your friends in separate communities. Some of your acquaintances can send you the number and you can approve the number as you like.

2. Caller ID


True-Caller will store your personal information and your mobile number. You can know instantly who called you or who is looking for you? True-Caller will inform you about this.

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3. Blocks unwanted calls


The app will prevent you from unwanted spam calls. A spam number will be reported to the user so that the user can block the number quickly. Or a user can block spammer numbers by creating a separate community.

4. Social synchronization


Like with your social media if you want Facebook, Twitter You can connect the apps. As a result it will automatically synchronize with social media. Get updates from friends very easily.

Today our cell number is an important thing in all personal, business or social fields. So you have to give it a safe look. And True-Collar makes this security even easier. Android Users click to download the app here. iPhone Users click to download the app here.

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