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75 people lost their lives in Bolivia's annual carnival

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 75 people have been killed in road accidents and violence during Bolivia's annual carnival.


Citing a news report from the news agency AFP, the news media confirmed the news of this tragic incident at the annual carnival event in the country on Thursday. It is said in the media that the 4-day annual carnival festival started last Friday. Ends Tuesday. On the occasion of this festival, thousands of people gather in various costumes along the main roads of Bolivia. At least 75 people were killed in this carnival. 37 of them died in road accidents. On the other hand, 5 people were killed when an iron bridge collapsed during a festival in Oruro, Bolivia.

It should be noted that on the occasion of this annual carnival festival, 3 lakh 50 thousand people gathered in Aruro city alone. And in the entire festival more than 30 thousand dancers and 6 thousand musicians participated in a huge festival celebration separately in the whole city.

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