The Dhaka Times
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Work crazy Ershad appeared in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: He wants to do something for the country

The Dhaka Times Desk It must be said that the work is crazy because he was in power for 9 years, not one day or two days. During this time he also worked a lot. Whose reputation is still in the country. Ershad suddenly went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday.


Jatiya Party Chairman and former President Hussain Muhammad Ershad visited the Foreign Office yesterday, 63 days after being appointed as the Prime Minister's Special Envoy. Ershad suddenly entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Segunbagichar after office hours. He got down from the car and went straight to the minister's room. Foreign Minister Abul Hasan Mahmud Ali, some senior officials including the secretary were already there to welcome him. A warm welcome was given to the politician-turned-envoy who was responsible for implementing the Prime Minister's special assignment in the Middle East.

Former President and Prime Minister's Special Envoy H. M. Ershad inquired about the work of the ministry. Ershad said at this time that he wants to start the Middle East mission. He wants to know what his job is from the minister, because he has many friends and acquaintances in the Middle East. He expressed hope that a lot of work can be done for the country by using them. He also asks for advice on where to work.

Ershad said, Middle East is very important for us. We have millions of Bangladeshi workers working there. I know, they earn very hard. Send remittance for the country. They have many difficulties there. There are complications with the visa. It may not be possible to solve all problems at once, but if you try, you can solve some problems. Ershad said, Prime Minister has trusted me. That's why he gave responsibility. i want to work I have a lot of work to do. Asking for advice on what he can do, Ershad said, today is not the end, I will constantly try to find out. Hussain Muhammad Ershad, the former president and current prime minister's special envoy, expressed his intention to try with 'maximum' importance wherever the prime minister or the government would use.

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