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Monkey's anti-AIDS injection will prevent humans from contracting AIDS!

The Dhaka Times Desk AIDS is simultaneously a deadly disease and an infectious disease. This disease is spreading all over the world today. Scientists are constantly researching the cure of this terrible disease. Recently, the success of an injection in monkeys to cure AIDS has raised the possibility of destroying the disease in humans.


After injecting monkeys with an anti-AIDS drug every month, researchers at two laboratories found 100% success in preventing AIDS. If this injection can be adapted for the human body, then it will be possible to prevent this fatal disease, especially in those who do not take regular doses of AIDS. AIDS expert Dr. Wafa El Sadr said initial human trials will begin later this year and larger trials will begin in a few years.

As early as 2010, it was proven that people who take anti-AIDS drugs every day have a 90% higher success rate in curing AIDS. However, some medical studies have shown that those who regularly take the anti-AIDS pill are free of AIDS if they have sex with a homosexual or an infected person. But others have been affected. AIDS rates among women in South Africa are very high.


In some experiments, monkeys were injected with antibodies and simultaneously had physical contact with infected monkeys. In every case they were saved from contracting AIDS.


AIDS expert Dr. Wafa El Sadr said that the application of this injection on humans will begin within a few years. As the injection proved 100% effective in monkeys, it will take three years before research is completed to confirm whether it is capable of showing the same effectiveness in humans. The initial test will be conducted on a total of 175 people from America, South Africa, Malaya and Brazil. It would be illegal to conduct this expensive test in large numbers of people without access to condoms and contraceptive drugs to prevent AIDS in most people. At the same time there are many who are interested in taking the drug but do not continue taking it later but they also have to think about it.

Regardless of the complications and complications, it is certain that the eradication of AIDS will be possible within a few years, and the success of this experiment is absolutely necessary for the sake of human welfare.

Reference: The NY Times

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