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A 13-year-old scientist built a nuclear reactor [VIDEO]

Jamie Edwards

The Dhaka Times Desk 13-year-old Jamie Edwards built a nuclear reactor. It may sound surprising, but this is what happened. This is what happened to Jamie at a school in the UK recently. Let's find out about it.

Jamie Edward
Jamie Edwards

Everyone knows 13-year-old Jamie Edwards as the UK's youngest nuclear scientist. With his own perseverance, hard work, sincere desire and the help of the school, Jamie built the nuclear reactor, which is also an amazing feat for someone of this age. But that's what Jamie Edwards has made possible. At an age when others were busy with video games or sports, Edward spent after school building nuclear reactors.

Jamie at School
Jamie at School

The previous year, Edward had put on a demonstration at his school, showing that he could build a reactor. Seeing this comes forward Pennworth Priority Academy and gave him a budget of $3350 for his project. And with that, Jamie gets down to business and succeeds. However, the question may come to the mind of many that how many schools can afford to give such a budget. The person who made this record before Jamie was 14-year-old Taylor Wilson, who built this reactor in his father's garage. He believed that this reactor was the key solution to our future energy and that children could make a difference in the world of science. Taylor Wilson See here to know more about.

Generally, many things are needed to build a nuclear reactor. Edward used a vacuum chamber, a vacuum pipe, some wires, an aluminum rod and some valves.


The most difficult part of building a nuclear reactor was keeping the vacuum chamber leak-free. But Edward's teachers were very worried about whether it would work. Edward Succeeds In the end, the little scientist Edward can't believe he's done it. Edward's science project now reaches out as an inspiration to children around the world. It is a good example for children that they are also following the path of science.


Learn more about nuclear reactors:

In short, the number of nuclear power plants is expected to increase by 2016 and 2017. About 200 reactors are being built all over the world. Today's reactors are very modern, they are provided with cooling elements on 3 sides, so they can be shut down quickly. These reactors of new safety Fukushima Like tsunamis and earthquakes can also be defeated. At the same time, experts confirmed that the new system will generate more electricity at a lower cost than before. Still, the world's richest man, Bill Gates, who has invested in 4th generation reactors, said that current plants are being built more safely, but that it will take time as research continues. Read details here.


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