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Will the black hole eventually swallow the Earth? What does science say?

The Dhaka Times Desk A widely held concept of the existence and nature of the universe black hole. Although no direct evidence of black holes has been found so far, there are various theories about black holes. It is said that black holes can consume everything. Even light rays can be absorbed by black holes. If so, the question naturally arises whether our world will be swallowed by a black hole!


To know the answer to the question, we need to know how black holes are formed. So far astronomers have not been able to give a satisfactory answer. The existence of black holes was first proposed in the 18th century based on the theory of gravity at the time. A black hole is so densely packed, its mass is so high that its gravitational pull does not allow anything to escape. General Theory of Relativity According to this, a black hole is a special place in space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes are formed from very dense masses. Another theory suggests that the star was once destroyed. Black holes can form from collapsing stars. Every galaxy can have small black holes.

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Right in the center of the Milky Way is a black hole 4 million times more massive than the Sun. In 2008, astronomers observed the movement of nearby stars for 16 years A black hole named Sagittarius A-star Identified Interestingly, this black hole is not melting anything. The most popular idea about black holes is that black holes swallow everything.

Black holes cannot be seen because they absorb light. It is common for everyone to think that black holes can absorb light because they can absorb everything. But the real truth is that black holes also have their own mass. Most galaxies may revolve around black holes. Therefore, black holes do not swallow stars and planets in galaxies. So it can be said, even if there is a big black hole in the middle of the galaxy, it will never swallow our earth. Rather, it will rotate at an equal distance from the Sun and other planets. Again, the sun will never become a black hole because the sun does not have the mass required to create a black hole.

recently Stephen Hawking in the universe There is no such thing as a black hole gave a speech Where the existence of black holes is in question, the question of whether a black hole will swallow the earth is now unanswerable in the eyes of science.

References: The Tech Journal, Wikipedia

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