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A Roman soldier's letter of 18 years old was recovered!

The Dhaka Times Desk An 1800-year-old letter from a Roman soldier has recently been unearthed. The letter is Egyptian Aurelius Polion er and he was engaged as a volunteer on the war front in Roman territory. Learn about home and signed love letters to mother, brother, sister.


The letter dates back to an archaeological expedition nearly a century ago Bernard Granville And Arthur Hunt Discovered letters in an Egyptian temple. As the money could not be recovered, the letter was converted into an infrared image.

The back of the letter states that the letter is military personnel Acutius Leon Who is sent so that the person can deliver the letter to the soldier's family. Even though the Roman Empire had postal communication, the soldier did not use it but relied on military personnel.


The letter contains the soldier's desire to return home. The letter is addressed to the man's mother, brother and sister. It mentions praying to God for their good health.

"He would not stop writing to them, even though they did not remember him," he wrote in contempt of them. He is worried about them because even though he has written to them, they haven't written a single letter asking how he is.

Researchers have recovered most of the meaning of the illegible letter. Some sentences remain incomplete due to missing parts.

The soldier mentioned that he had previously sent six letters without receiving any reply. Wrote to his brother – taking leave from the commander he would go to him as a brother. All such longing emotional words are all over the letter. Currently the letter belongs to the University of California at the Bancroft Library is preserved.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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