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New bird species discovered in Asia [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have discovered a new species of unique bird in Asia. The researchers investigated the genus of this new bird and found that the bird is a fish-eating species of the Passerida class.


Analysis shows that it is a small chirping bird with small wings on its body. It is slightly different from other chirping birds. Experts say that from these distinctive features it can be placed in the Elachura genus. The news of the discovery of this new bird was first published in the Journal of Biology of the Royal Society. The new bird has been given a scientific name Elachura Formosa.


The bird eats fish. It lives in southern China near the eastern Himalayas. It hides in small bushes of tropical montane forests. During breeding, the male bird sings loudly to attract the female bird. It is quite different from other continental birds. Sometimes it even sings from within the bush. The bird was previously undetected because it looked almost like other chirping birds.

Read more about birds: Birds learn to sing!

Scientists fully identified the bird through DNA testing. DNA testing reveals new species with microscopic differences. Then the researchers were able to identify its hereditary characteristics. This method of DNA testing is widely used today. In this case, very good results are obtained. Many birds have already been discovered through this new method. Among them are some special types of falcons.



Microscopic examination gives insight into the characteristics of various birds. New types of relationships are revealed. Some new features and species of flamingos, divers, hawks, parrots have been found through this experiment. This new species of bird is commonly found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam.

Reference: BBC

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