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Smartphone-using parents avoid children!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphones have gained a lot of popularity due to various attractive features including internet, multimedia, touchscreen. But the alarming news is that a study has shown that smartphone-using parents do not pay proper attention to their children.


of Boston Medical Center The researchers surreptitiously stayed in different restaurants and monitored different families. Among them, the behavior of those who use smartphones is recorded in notes. In that study, out of 55 families, 40 parents were busy with their smartphones. At this time they did not pay any attention to their children.

When they were busy writing or talking on the phone, they were most averse to their children. A third of parents were engaged in continuous phone use during mealtimes. Some children, however, did not pay much attention to this matter but were busy eating quietly. Some children were excited and some even sang songs to catch the attention of their parents.
Although smartphone use has not been linked to children's behavior, it is certain that people around children who use smartphones show behavioral changes.

But in this case, it cannot be said that parents should stop using smartphones now because of their children, but they should be careful about the controlled use of smartphones while spending time with their children.

Eating with children, cuddling or sending them to sleep - these behaviors are very important. These reasons lead to emotional development in children which teaches them to develop good relationships with different people.

Communication between parents and children is very important. Children looking at parents or parents looking at children, chatting. It is through this sweet behavior that children grow through human development. So parents should stop paying more attention to the smartphone than the child out of sense of responsibility towards the children.

Reference: ABC News

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