The Dhaka Times
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A group of Rangpur students made a 'digital pesticide machine'!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the students of Bangladesh made 'Digital Pesticide Machine' which will drive away the insects in the crop fields by making different sounds. As a result, a new era of pesticide-free crop production is going to begin in Bangladesh.


In Bangladesh, due to the recent use of pesticides on crops, the amount of poison in agricultural products including vegetable production has increased, scientists said. In this way, the agriculture department has not seen the face of success despite various researches on the production of poison-free vegetables. Now a group of students from Rangpur has invented a device that will drive away harmful insects from crop fields using digital technology without using any poison.

The device is made by Rangpur Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Institute of Technology Electrical and Computer Science and Mechanical 26 students from different semesters of the department. Their newly discovered device will work on solar power so it will not need to use electricity again and again. Once bought, the farmer can use it repeatedly on the land without cost.

Basically this device will work by creating sound waves of different frequencies. It is possible to eliminate various insects by increasing the sound waves with this device. All kinds of insects in the crop field including mosquitoes, flies flee from the area due to the noise generated by this machine.

The main initiative among the students working behind the invention of the device is a fifth semester student of the electrical department of IET Ziauddin Pilot Said, "With this device made by us, all kinds of insects will run away from the part of the paddy field where it will be installed. But the frequency has to be adjusted as needed.”

He further said, “After turning it on, some kind of audio signal and ultrasound scared the insects away. It is unpolluted sound, which only insects can understand but humans can't hear."

The three-foot-tall device has various speakers mounted on its four sides from which sound waves are emitted. The device is already in the digital fair organized by the district administration first prize has won The machine was operated in a paddy field in the presence of the District Commissioner. When the machine is turned on, there is a soft sound at first and then no more sound is heard. In fact, the machine was making audio signals and ultrasounds that humans couldn't hear, but insects could hear. The ultrasound generated by the device is beyond the tolerance range of the insects, causing the insects to quickly flee as far as the sound of the device travels. This will benefit the farmer and save the field and crop from insect attack.

The cost of making the complete machine is only 1 thousand 375 taka. Which is a one-time cost, because the machine will run on natural energy solar power, so the farmers will not need any additional fuel. It can be used for several years in a row.

This digital pesticide machine developed by the students of Rangpur will undoubtedly play a special role in the agricultural sector of our country in producing pesticide free crops and saving farmers money. Customers will get poison free agricultural products.

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