The Dhaka Times
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The teacher is! Rape of 5-year-old child: Arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk The teacher's name is tarnished. The police arrested him for raping a 5-year-old child.


The incident happened in the capital itself. An allegation of rape of a 5-year-old student of play-class of a private school in West Sheorapara of Mirpur has been made against the religion teacher of that school. It is reported that the victimized student is currently undergoing treatment at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Mirpur Model Police Station Salauddin confirmed the truth of the incident to the media.

The officer-in-charge said that the incident happened during the school hours on Tuesday morning. The teacher was immediately arrested by the police on the charge of rape. A case has been filed against her under the Women and Child Abuse Act.

According to police sources, Minhaj (24), a religion teacher of Holy Crescent School under Mirpur Model Police Force, called a student of the school's play class (identity withheld due to statutory restrictions) and raped her in the bathroom. The student is only 5 years old! The matter came to light when the child fell ill after the torture. Other teachers of the school with the help of the family admitted the child to Dhaka Medical College Hospital yesterday afternoon in a coma. The child is being treated at the hospital's One Stop Crisis Center.

Meanwhile, when the news of such activities of the teacher spread in the area, the parents and residents got excited. Everyone demanded exemplary punishment for this incident.

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