The Dhaka Times
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The child moved during the burial!

The Dhaka Times Desk Just a few days ago, a man in India got up during the funeral and announced that he was alive. Such an incident has happened in our country. The child moved during the burial!

DMC & child

Recently such incidents are happening in Dhaka Medical College Hospital. A few days ago, an old woman abandoned on the street was brought to Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where the doctors declared her dead. Later he moved to the freezer. Then his treatment started again. Later, however, the woman died. Today again such an incident happened in Dubai. Three hours after being declared dead, the newborn woke up during the burial. Later the child was admitted to the ICU. Now the child is being treated there.

Khalu Mahmudul Karim told the media that Sultana Begum was admitted to Gynecology Ward No. 212 of DMK at around 10 pm yesterday. She gave birth to a son. But after birth, the doctors declared the newborn dead. Sultana Begum's village house is in Chunkuthia village of South Keraniganj. Sultana Begum's husband's name is Jahangir Hossain. Her husband works in a factory.

When the child's relatives went to bury the child in the Azimpur graveyard around noon today, the child was shaken. Everyone was shocked to see this scene. Later, with the help of locals, the child was admitted to ICU in DMK.

Meanwhile, as soon as the child arrived at the hospital, all his documents were taken away. There was also his death certificate. Others intervened to save the doctor who had given the death certificate. Later, the hospital authorities promised to treat the child without revealing the doctor's name.

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