The Dhaka Times
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Cruelty: Punish the cat by putting it in the microwave for eating fish!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nothing could be more strange and cruel than this. A British woman puts a cat in the microwave to punish it, the cat dies there.


Laura Cunliffe, 23, put her 4-month-old pet cat Mowgli in the microwave for five minutes as punishment. His crime was that the cat ate his goldfish. Laura punishes the cat for this.


After putting the kitten in the microwave for five minutes, Laura took it out and found it alive. But nine minutes later the kitten died. Laura is on trial in court for killing the kitten. In the charge sheet, the court said that the kitten died because its internal organs were burnt due to which it could not breathe. The court will sentence him next month for causing unnecessary harm to animals.

Read more about kittens: Funny pictures of all pets being lazy on a winter day [Photos]

Cruel people like Laura Cunliffe must be punished. Pets are our friends, and that's why we should take care of them.

Reference: OneIndia

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