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Arjun tree is beneficial for many diseases including skin and venereal diseases

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter how much treatment is done with the help of modernity, the quality of plants is immense. One of them is the Arjuna tree. Arjuna has beneficial properties for many diseases including skin and venereal diseases. So let's take this tree for what benefits.


This medium-sized deciduous tree has attracted the attention of human society since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Arjuna has been used since ancient times as a herbal juice to restore physical strength and invigorate the mind on the battlefield. Then as the days go by the beneficial aspect of Arjuna is being discovered.


# Bark, fruit and leaves of Arjuna tree are all used as medicinal ingredients. However, the bark of Arjuna tree is mostly used in herbal treatment.


# Arjuna bark extract strengthens the heart muscle and improves cardiac function.

# Arjuna tree juice has blood purifying properties. For this reason, Arjuna's juice Har Hamesa is used as food.


# Arjuna improves food digestion. Helps maintain normal digestive system.

# Arjuna juice is beneficial in skin and venereal diseases. Herbalists say that Arjuna juice also helps to increase sexual arousal.

# Applying the bark of Arjuna tree cures rashes on the body.


Apart from these, Arjuna tree is used as one of the herbal ingredients in the preparation of medicine for numerous other diseases.

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