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Facebook controls the mind: it spreads unrest quickly

The Dhaka Times Desk A study by the University of California at Yale in the United States has shown that through Facebook, the mind of people, that is, users, is also controlled. A variety of emotional sensations spread contagiously. This information was obtained by researching millions of Facebook users.

The researchers used a rainy day to conduct the survey for the research report. Incredibly, one user's real rain experience is also experienced virtually by other users far and wide. Ploswan The research was published in a scientific journal named Researchers say what one person is not feeling is being felt by everyone around the world who is associated with him. Like mental illusions, the mind is being controlled. Researchers call this a dramatic enhancement of emotional coherence.

We used to know that mental change or emotional interaction happens through face-to-face encounters but now it also happens through social communication. Research has also shown that emotional posts are more common on Facebook. The number of posts increases more during monsoon days. Negative posts are read more than positive posts on gloomy weather days. Then these rainy or gloomy posts are read by his friends and they too feel rainy and gloomy. Every sad post 1.29% saddens the common user and affects the negative post. Positive posts also have this effect.

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Researchers say that as a result, political and economic instability is spreading rapidly in different countries. Different types of revolutions or revolutionary changes are being observed.

Reference: BBC

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৫, ২০১৪ 11:22 am

KA B Tohin

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