The Dhaka Times
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Mirz Fakhrul, Abbas and Salam 3 BNP leaders in jail

The Dhaka Times Desk Acting General Secretary of BNP Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Mirza Abbas and Abdus Salam of Mahanagar BNP have been sent to jail after canceling their bail.

Fakhrul, Abbas and Salam

It is known that the court has ordered to send the Acting Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, Member of BNP Standing Committee Mirza Abbas and Member Secretary of Dhaka Metropolitan BNP Abdus Salam to jail in 3 cases including killing people by setting fire to a passenger bus at Ramna Police Station area. After hearing the bail application in the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Shahriar Mahmud Adnan on Sunday, the court rejected the bail and ordered to send them to jail.

It should be noted that Mirza Fakhrul is the accused in the murder case in that case. On the other hand, Abdus Salam is the accused in another case of Ramna police station. Again, Mirza Abbas is accused in 3 cases.

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