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Learn about 12 famous people who failed at the start of their lives and became incredibly successful!

The Dhaka Times Desk Failure can come at any time in life but it should not be a downfall. There are many successful people in the world who have faced failure one or more times in their early life. Know about 12 people who failed at first and found incredible success in life.


1) Winston Churchill:


He was separated from his political party from 1929 to 1939 due to ideological differences. He became the Prime Minister of Britain in 1940 from such a situation.

2) Oprah Winfrey:


This popular American television personality is known as the Queen of Television Talk Shows. According to sources in Forbes magazine, Oprah, who is worth $2.9 billion, began her career as a television host where she was sexually harassed.

3) Walt Disney:


Famous American film producer, storyteller and animator Walt Disney was fired from a news paper early in life for lack of imagination and ideas.

4) Stephen Spielberg:


The famous director bagged three Academy Awards in 1975 for the blockbuster movie 'Jews', and there was no looking back after that. Although he University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts multiple times was rejected.

5) Thomas Alva Edison:


The famous scientist was a poor student as a child – teachers used to say, 'He was too stupid to learn anything.' But in the end, this great scientist created many devices, including the gramophone, video camera, and long-lasting electric lamp, earning more than a thousand invention patents to his name.

6) Dick Cheney:


Former US Vice President Dick Cheney. Unable to adapt to the culture and classes of the prestigious school, Yale, he dropped out.

7) Sir Isaac Newton:


One of the greatest scientists of all time is Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton was stopped from school by his mother as a child and put in charge of the family farm, where he failed miserably and was re-educated and later excelled in various disciplines including physics, mathematics, and astronomy.

8) Albert Einstein:


Albert Einstein, the scientist who won the Nobel Prize for his research on light-electricity and the famous inventor of the theory of relativity, had some behavioral problems in speech and learning as a child.

9) JK Rowling:


When JK Rowling, the author of the popular Harry Potter series and the first billion-dollar book-selling author, started the first Harry Potter novel, she Single mom Lived by working as

10) Charles Darwin:


Charles Darwin, the famous biologist who discovered the concept of evolution, was an ordinary student in his childhood. Abandoning a career in medicine, he enrolled in school to become a minor priest.

11) Harrison Ford:


Famous Hollywood actor Harrison Ford, of 'Indiana Jones' and 'Star Wars' fame, was told by an editor after his first movie appearance that Harrison would never succeed in movies.

12) Vincent Van Gogh:


Vincent van Gogh, the world's greatest painter, was an incredibly emotional and self-confident man. He was able to sell only one picture in his lifetime that too a few days before his death.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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