The Dhaka Times
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Missing Malaysian plane: Relatives of missing still clinging to hope

The Dhaka Times Desk The missing Malaysian airliner has not yet been found. Although the mystery of this disappearance has not been solved, the relatives are still hopeful.

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The plane was initially reported to have disappeared as if the families of the missing people thought no one was alive. But ever since the hijacking came to light, the relatives of the missing plane have started to hope again. They believe that if the plane was indeed hijacked, there is a chance that their relatives may still be alive. Even if they are held hostage, there is a possibility that they will return again if they survive. Close relatives are waiting for such hope.

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Within hours of the plane taking off from Malaysia on the night of March 7, news broke that the plane had separated from the control tower. In such a situation, everyone thinks that no passenger is alive anymore. But that idea is slowly fading away. Because the information that various news media keep giving shows that the missing plane has been hijacked and taken elsewhere. Although there is no irrefutable proof of this yet. Still, there were citizens of about 14 countries on that plane. Ever since the plane went missing, the relatives have been spending their days in extreme anxiety. However, after hearing about the robbery, the relatives started to hold some hope. They think they will surely get back the lost relatives!

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No one can say how far the hopes of the relatives will be fulfilled. But there is nothing wrong with hoping that one finds peace even for a moment. Everyone hopes that the relatives will get their relatives back.

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