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The search ship got the 'signal' of the black box of the missing plane!

The Dhaka Times Desk A special 'wave signal' has been received by a rescue ship searching for the missing Malaysian airliner in the southern Indian Ocean. The signal is believed to be from the missing aircraft Black box.


On Saturday, the ship searching for the missing plane received the signal at about 25 degrees south latitude and 101 degrees longitude, China's state news agency Xinhua reported. The ship is currently searching the southern Indian Ocean for the missing aircraft.

Meanwhile, from China, 10 military aircraft, three civilian aircraft and 11 ships have started searching for 217,000 square kilometers of the Indian Ocean, 1,700 kilometers northwest of Perth, Australia. India and Australia have joint support in this search.


The Australian member of the search team is a retired air chief Angus Houston Told the media, "This time the new starters will continue this campaign for a continuous 6 weeks. However, if we do not find any trace of the missing aircraft, the search time limit will be extended further."

Meanwhile, Chinese authorities said about the signal found in the black box detector on the rescue ship, "The ship's sailors immediately heard a signal, which is similar to the built-in signal of the black box of the missing plane. The frequency found in the signal was 37.5 kHz which is the same as the frequency found in the flight records.”

It should be noted that researchers about the missing flight 370 say that the plane did not crash into the ocean due to mechanical failure. It was being taken several thousand kilometers away from the purposefully scheduled journey. Along with this, the radar connection of Malaysia and China was also deliberately closed. Already almost a month has passed since the plane went missing. Despite the use of modern technology by the powerful countries of the world, no trace of the plane has been found yet.

Source: CNN , Fox News 

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